Just Van Life

General Stuff

How to Heat a Tent

How To Heat A Tent

A tent heater can seem like an essential item, but behind a flashlight, a tent and sleeping bags are the most essential items campers decide to purchase. This can be due to warmer seasons or a reluctance to use tent heaters over safety concerns. However, heaters, like any piece of

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How To Put Up A Tent

How To Put Up A Tent

A lot of us enjoy going on a camping trip, however, the task a lot of us don’t enjoy doing is putting the tent up. When it starts to get cold and dark, you will want to escape into your warm tent, therefore you need to make sure that you

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How to Level a Camper

How To Level A Camper

Learning how to level a camper is essential for any camping enthusiast. Whether you’re a veteran outdoorsman or a budding nature lover, you need this skill so you can make the most out of your camping experience. It can be a daunting task to level a large vehicle like a

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Do LED Strips Attract Bugs

Do LED Strips Attract Bugs?

Camping is super fun, but there is one thing that can make your trip less enjoyable, and that is bugs. When you are out in nature, there are often lots of bugs, and they can quickly become a nuisance. Especially when they are bugs that bite. If you have been

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Are Tents Waterproof?

Are Tents Waterproof?

Camping can be so much fun. There is no feeling quite like it. If you camp in the right areas, it can be the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. When you camp, you can escape into the wilderness and be at one with the beautiful

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