Just Van Life



Just Van Life is a travel, lifestyle, education, and gear reviews blog created for digital nomads who believe adventures are worth chasing.

We believe adventures are worth chasing

Our mission is to inspire, motivate, & educate digital nomads to become financially independent by building passion-based online businesses so that they can experience limitless adventures and live life on their terms.


Best 8 Person Tent

Best 8 Person Tent

Camping is a popular activity for families and friendship groups of all sizes. Problem is, if you intend to go camping with more than 3 or 4 people, you might struggle to find a tent big enough to fit everyone in.  After all, you don’t want to bother spending money […]

are yeti coolers worth it

Are Yeti Coolers Worth It?

Like most large, reputable outdoor brands Yeti has grown a cult-like customer base that swears by its products. As a result, it can be hard to know whether certain products are as good as they are made out to be, an example of this being the Yeti cooler range. Here […]

Best 10 Camping Trash Cans

Best 10 Camping Trash Cans

It’s fair to say that we all have great memories of camping, whether we stayed in a tent or traveled in our RVs. However, it can also be quite stressful when we don’t have the right essentials. You have to remember a wide range of things from food and drink, […]

The Best Pop-Up Tents

The Best Pop-Up Tents

Whether you’re an avid camper or a beginner going on your first camping trip, a good tent is the most important tool at your disposal. Pop-up tents are popular for how easy they are to set up and how portable they are when collapsed. This means that they are a […]

5 Best Van Awnings For Your Campervan

5 Best Van Awnings For Your Campervan

Living or traveling in a campervan is growing in popularity, with more people having the desire to seek adventure, travel around the world, or even just save money on their household bills. While living or traveling in a campervan can be all of those things, you have to drastically reduce […]

Best 15 Camping Toasters

Best 15 Camping Toasters

Camping toasters are the best way to toast bread and bagels outdoors. They’re compact, portable, and versatile. Whether you’re camping or just going hiking, these campfire toasters will keep you fueled throughout the day. When you go camping, you don’t always know what kind of food you’ll find at the […]


What Does Primitive Camping Mean?

What Does Primitive Camping Mean?

Camping has long been a popular pastime. These days, though, camping has gotten a tad more luxurious than it used to be. There are a variety of different ways to spend time outside in the world of modern camping, and many of them offer at least some of the luxuries […]

15 Public Shower Options Near You

15 Public Shower Options Near You

Now, we all know how important it is to be clean. After traveling for so long, eventually the need for a shower will become obvious, and you’ll want to know where you can find yourself a public shower.  Taking a shower is essential for hygiene, hydration, alertness, boosting your self-confidence […]

How To Hook Up A Trailer

How To Hook Up A Trailer

Are you looking for a new way to get around town? If so, then you should consider buying a trailer. This type of vehicle is perfect for those who want to travel long distances without having to worry about gas prices or parking fees. Trailers are vehicles that are connected […]

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