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What Size Generator For Camping?

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Generators are useful items for camping enthusiasts, as they deliver power which lets you use televisions, lights, and microwaves when living outside.

If you’re planning on purchasing a camper generator, you’ll need to consider what size generator you’ll need, as well as how large it needs to be.

Generally speaking, people with a 30-amp or 50-amp camper van should opt for a 4000-watt generator. This will be enough for heating, air conditioning, and cooking.

On the other hand, if you just need enough electricity to power essential equipment, like lighting, 2000-watt generators should do the job just fine.

We’ll cover more about ideal camper generator sizes in this post, including how to work out what size generator you’ll need, and other things to think about when choosing a generator.

How Large Does My Camper Generator Need To Be?

2000-watt generators will suit most camper’s needs. This is an average model which will deliver enough electricity for essentials, like charging phones, televisions, and running lights.

Generators are available in three sizes, large, medium, and small.

  • Large-sized generators are above 3000 watts. These deliver enough power to continually use all of your appliances.
  • Medium-sized generators are between 2000 and 3000 watts. These deliver enough energy to use a lot of essential devices. However, these models may find it difficult to do this in tougher settings, like greater altitudes.
  • Small-sized generators are under 2000 watts. These work well in smaller campers and units which use less power-consuming devices.

However, if you’re working out what generator size is best for camping, you’ll need to calculate how much power you’ll need in one day.

Calculating Appropriate Generator Size

Knowing the wattage of the appliances you’ll need for camping can help you calculate what generator size you’ll need. You’ll add all of these device wattages, then add another ten percent for possible circumstances.

For instance, if you use an air conditioner that is 500 watts, along with a furnace that needs 1500 watts, add the two together to get 2000 watts.

Ten percent of 2000 is 200, so your generator should provide a minimum of 2200 watts.

If you’re unsure about the wattage your appliance delivers, contact the manufacturer. They can give you additional information, or give you a model number for you to research online, looking at what different buyers say about the device.

RV Device Energy Consumption

The energy you’ll need from your camper generator is based on the devices you’ll need as you camp.

Here is a list of the possible devices you’ll require in your RV, along with their wattage requirements:

Device Power (Wattage)
Fridge 725
Microwave 750 to 1100
Radio 70 to 400
Dishwasher 1200 to 2400
Television (19 inches) 65 to 110
Toaster 800 to 1400
Water heater, portable 750
Coffee Maker 900 to 1200
Hair dryer 1200 to 1875

Points To Consider When Choosing A Camper Generator

What Size Generator For Camping (2)

Here are some more points to think about when selecting a camper generator:

Price And Size Of Model

It’s best to avoid generators that weigh a lot, as this can make it harder to transport them, particularly if you’re moving between different sites.

You should also think about the generator’s potential maintenance costs, as well as any extra taxes and fees for buying a generator in your location.

Energy Efficiency and Mobility

Can your generator travel easily along with the camper without excessively adding to gas consumption?

Backup Power Source Capacity

Think about whether your backup power source’s capacity can manage your electricity needs.

Here are some questions to help you assess this:

  • How many amps does the camper need to work?
  • How long will the backup source last until it needs to be recharged?
  • How much electricity will the backup source deliver at any moment, without losing power too early?

Camper Generator’s Power Supply

Camper generators are either powered by electricity, propane, or gas.

  • Electric generators have the least runtime, but they don’t need fuel to work.
  • Propane generators aren’t noisy, but they aren’t as efficient as generators powered by gas.
  • Gas generators run for the longest amount of time, but they need a lot of maintenance, generate fumes, and are often noisy to run.

Gas generators cost and weigh more as they require fuel tanks, so it’s best to go for other models unless they are essential.

It’s best to avoid them and opt for other energy sources, like solar panels or wind turbines, to avoid their drawbacks.

Campsite Choice

Your campsite choice and planned activities also affect the model and size of the generator you go for.

For instance, if you’re in a remote setting where noise isn’t an issue, opt for gas generators, as they run the longest.

On the other hand, if you need a generator that won’t generate fumes, opt for propane models. These generate fewer emissions compared to gasoline models.

If you’re after a portable generator, electric models are better, as they weigh less and aren’t as difficult to transport.

Battery aptitude also affects what size generator you’ll need. If your battery is a 200 amp model, you’ll need a generator that’s roughly 3200 watts.

Still, keep in mind that this may be too much stress on your battery, based on where and when the generator is used.

How To Save Energy When Camping

Here are some tips that can help you save power when camping. These will help you have a good time outdoors without losing power or damaging the environment:

  • Turn off electronics and lights when they aren’t in use
  • Charge devices with solar panels
    Choose a campsite near natural water, like lakes or streams. These areas are more comfortable compared to inland in the summer.
  • Use a solar-powered flashlight or lantern for night use, instead of using your phone’s flashlight.
  • Use lighter materials to prepare meals, like aluminum foil, as this reduces heating power demands

Final Thoughts

Choosing a camper generator size that’s best for you involves working out what appliances you’ll be needing. Will you need high-wattage devices, like air conditioners or kettles, or will you be sticking to bare-bones essentials?

You’ll also need to think about where your campsite is. Are you staying off the grid where there’s a lack of power, or are you at a site that provides electricity?

After you’ve assessed these factors, you can work out whether a small, medium, or large camper generator is best for your needs.

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