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How To Tell If Your AC Compressor Has Gone Bad

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Air compressors are integral components of every vehicle’s air conditioning system.

AC compressors work by utilizing extremely high pressures inside the car’s condenser in order to compress your car’s refrigerant. From there, the gas is then turned into a liquid which can be used by the AC system.

You can expect your air compressor to last between 6-10 years depending on its usage. If you notice any signs of wear or damage, then it’s time to replace your air compressor.

In this article, we are going to be talking you through the main signs that your AC compressor has gone bad and is in need of a replacement.

Let’s start!

How To Tell If Your AC Compressor Has Gone Bad

Here is a list of common symptoms that indicate the need to replace an air compressor:

  1. The motor starts but won’t run. This could mean that the motor has failed or there is a problem with the wiring or electrical connections.
  2. Your air compressor stops working when you turn it on. You may have a bad connection in the wiring harness or the air compressor itself may be damaged.
  3. Your air compressor runs very slowly. This could be caused by a dirty filter or a clogged hose. A new filter will help improve performance.
  4. Your air compressor makes loud, high-pitched noises. This could be caused by worn-out bearings or a blown gasket.
  5. Your air compressor shows visible signs of damage: If you can see any rust or corrosion, then this is a sign that your AC compressor has stopped working and needs a replacement.
  6. Your air compressor isn’t cooling down after use. This could be a sign that the AC compressor is overheating because it is struggling to maintain its performance.

What To Do If You Suspect Your AC Compressor Has Gone Bad

If you are suspecting that your AC compressor is not working correctly or might be in need of a replacement, then it’s important that you try to get to the root cause of the issue so that you can prevent the same issue from occurring again.

How to Tell If Your AC Compressor Has Gone Bad (1)

To begin, we recommend that you first switch off your AC compressor and then switch it back on. As it is starting up, you should listen out for the sound that your AC compressor is making.

If your AC compressor is making a low humming sound, then this is a good indication as this is the normal sound that AC compressors make while they are starting up.

However, if you can hear that the AC compressor is making a very loud, high-pitched sound, then this is a strong indication that there is something wrong with your AC compressor.

This could mean that your AC compressor’s motor is working overtime to try to get started up, or that your AC compressor’s components have been compromised or gotten jammed.

Either way, if it sounds as though your AC compressor is struggling to start up, then this is a sign that something has gone wrong with your AC compressor, and it might need to be replaced or repaired.

To follow on, if you notice any signs of leakage, rusting, or corrosion, then it’s worth noting that you might need to replace both the compressor and the motor.

After listening to the sound that your AC compressor makes starting up, you should then inspect the compressor to spot any visible signs of damage.

If you can’t see any damage, then your compressor might simply be in need of a clean.

However, if you can see any rust or leaked refrigerant, then this is a strong indication that your compressor needs a replacement.

Last but not least, the final step that you should take to determine whether, or not, your AC compressor needs to be replaced is to touch the housing.

If your AC compressor feels very hot to the touch, then this means that your compressor is overheating, which means that you will need to replace it. This brings us to our next point.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace An AC Compressor?

The average price of replacing an air conditioner compressor is anywhere from $100 to $600.

However, this can vary depending on the brand and model of your air conditioner system inside your car.

Even though the majority of AC compressors are designed to fit universally in a variety of vehicles, we also strongly recommend that you take the time to check your car’s owner manual to ensure that there aren’t any specific requirements.

The last thing that you want to do is try to replace your AC compressor with a model that isn’t designed to fit with your car, as this could come with a costly repair price!

Keep in mind, you can also find cheaper options if you buy used parts from a local store.

If you decide to purchase a new compressor, then you will have to pay for shipping and installation as well, which is something to keep in mind if you’re on a budget.

Final Thoughts

With good care, you can expect your vehicle’s AC compressor to last from anywhere between 6-10 years – although you should keep in mind that this lifespan can vary depending on how often it’s used and the vehicle that you have.

However, if you do suspect that your AC compressor might be going bad, then this could mean that it is in need of replacement or repair.

To sum up, all of the above, you should be sure to watch out for all the tell-tale signs that indicate there is something wrong with your AC compressor.

By understanding what the signs are, you will then be in a better position to determine whether, or not, it needs to be repaired or replaced.

You could even take your car to your garage so that a mechanic can take a look for you, too.

Thank you for reading!

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